VIP forum

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Live motorsport feed for you. Our moto gp feed is updated 3-30 min. before event. Click on the tab and pick one of the links.

Moto GP and formula links

Come on, who didn't want to be a racer when he was young? Who didn't organize huge truck events with lots of car accidents? Who didn't kill hundreds of people on his imaginary racing circuits? We all have it inside us. That little boy we once were is still there. And he wants to watch some serious car crash, right? Now he has a chance!

With p2p4u augmented streaming reality, you obtain a possibility to affect a result of a race directly. Do you want that ridiculous bike driver suffer? Do you want that formula crash into a wall? In our special VIP program for dedicated viewers we bring you unique features that allows you to punish any race driver if you think his performance has been inadequate.

Access to VIP section of p2p4u is possible after 3000 hours of watching. Persevere!